# Introduction To state the obvious: subdomain enumeration is where we want to find subdomains for a set of top-level domains scoped to a target. Subdomain enumeration is just one small part of a larger reconnaissance process that is typically the first phase of a penetration test or Red Team. There are a lot of different ways to do subdomain enumeration, but I want to show you a unique method that I can almost guarantee you've never seen before. In a [previous blog post](https://cramppet.github.io/dank/index.html), I introduced `dank` and showed how it's unique encoding mechanism can be used to encode shellcode for use in implants and loaders. In this blog post, I'll explore another use case of `dank` whereby we combine the idea of regular language **ranking** with [regular language induction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Induction_of_regular_languages). Our goal is to be able to *automagically* learn regexes that capture idiosyncratic features of observed DNS data. Using these learned patterns, we will attempt to brute force for new subdomains that follow these same patterns. I'll show that experimentally, this method seems to be highly effective compared to other industry-known tools such as `altdns`. I've called this project "regulator" and [you can find it on my GitHub here](https://github.com/cramppet/regulator) **Note:** There is a decent amount of hand-waving here and "it just works" mentality, although I'll try my best to explain *why* it works as we go along, in reality, I don't have a formal, technical answer. # TL;DR 1. We collect as much DNS data as we can using existing tools: `amass`, `subfinder`, etc. 2. We induce regular languages from this observed DNS data 3. We use these languages (regexes) to synthesize new DNS hostnames 4. We evaluate the results against similar tools such as: `altdns` and `dnsgen` # Collecting initial data This process relies heavily on the initial input data, so you should spend some time ensuring you've captured everything that you can from existing tools/methods. It's also worth pointing out that this process is not intended for small domains (ie. less than about 100 subdomains) because other tools like dictionary brute forcers will usually work far better. # Inducing languages The process is complex and is best summarized by reading the code linked above. For brevity, the critical function is `closure_to_regex`: ```python def closure_to_regex(domain: str, members: List[str]) -> str: """converts edit closure to a regular language""" ret, levels, optional = '', {}, {} tokens = tokenize(members) for member in tokens: for i, level in enumerate(member): if i not in levels: levels[i] = {} optional[i] = {} for j, token in enumerate(level): if not j in levels[i]: levels[i][j] = set([]) optional[i][j] = [] levels[i][j].add(token) optional[i][j].append(token) for i, level in enumerate(levels): n = '(.' if i != 0 else '' for j, position in enumerate(levels[level]): k = len(levels[level][position]) # Special case: first token in DNS name if i == 0 and j == 0: n += f"({'|'.join(levels[level][position])})" # Special case: single element in alternation at start of level elif k == 1 and j == 0: # TODO: Should we make this optional too? n += f"{'|'.join(levels[level][position])}" # General case else: # A position is optional if some token doesn't have that position isoptional = len(optional[level][position]) != len(members) n += f"({'|'.join(levels[level][position])}){'?' if isoptional else ''}" # A level is optional if either not every host has the level, or if there # are distinct level values values = list(map(lambda x: ''.join(x), zip(*optional[level].values()))) isoptional = len(set(values)) != 1 or len(values) != len(members) ret += (n + ")?" if isoptional else n + ")") if i != 0 else n return compress_number_ranges(f'{ret}.{domain}') ``` If you know anything about language induction, you're probably very confused. That's because what I've shown above is not a formal method of inducing regular languages like **L-star** or **RPNI**, instead it's a simple heuristic function. This has seemed to work well though, because the data we're working with is simple and is usually highly structured. Here's what the function above does: - Given that you have: - `foo1-dev.example.com` - `foo2-prod.example.com` - `foo5-qa.example.com` - The function tokenizes these instances into: - `[foo1, dev, example, com]` - `[foo2, prod, example, com]` - `[foo5, qa, example, com]` - Then it recombines them into patterns or "rules" where shared "levels" are merged: `(foo1|foo2|foo5)-(dev|qa|prod).example.com` - Finally, it analyzes numerical values and converts them into ranges (if possible): `(foo[1-5])-(dev|qa|prod).example.com` Looking at the final rule obtained, we can see that there are new names not previously observed that are a part of the regular language we inferred: - `foo1-qa.example.com` - `foo2-dev.example.com` - `foo3-prod.example.com` - ... It is precisely these new language members that constitute our brute force attempts. There is a lot more that can be said about what we do here, but I don't want to dwell on this too much, as it is likely just too much information for this post. # Synthesizing new names The process of generating new names from our regex rules is simply the process of enumerating all language members and deduplicating against what we already observed. The first part can be done using the `DankGenerator` class from the `dank` package, the latter part is done using set difference (ie. `A - B`). ```python >>> from dank.DankGenerator import DankGenerator >>> for i in DankGenerator('(foo[1-5])-(dev|qa|prod).example.com'): ... print(i) ... b'foo5-qa.example.com' b'foo4-qa.example.com' b'foo3-qa.example.com' b'foo2-qa.example.com' b'foo1-qa.example.com' b'foo5-dev.example.com' b'foo4-dev.example.com' b'foo3-dev.example.com' b'foo2-dev.example.com' b'foo1-dev.example.com' b'foo5-prod.example.com' b'foo4-prod.example.com' b'foo3-prod.example.com' b'foo2-prod.example.com' b'foo1-prod.example.com' ``` One of things that became apparent when developing regulator is that we need some kind of filtering criteria for our rules. Basically, some rules will produce a literal astronomical amount of language members and we don't want the number of guesses we perform to be much more than 1,000,000. Thus, we need a way to filter out certain rules. What I settled on was a simple ratio test. The logic being that the number of observed language members should not increase beyond a certain integer multiple, the default value being 25. This means that if we observed 10 hosts to produce a rule, then the rule could contain up to 250 language members before being filtered -- this has seemed to work extremely well at capturing "good guesses" without blowing out the total number of guesses. # A real-world example: `adobe.com` ## Data collection I collected the initial data using `amass` with the `-brute` flag. This took a while, but after it was finished we had `1960` hosts. We can run the regulator script to generate rules for this input: ``` python3.8 main.py adobe.com adobe adobe.rules ``` ## Inducing languages You can look at the log file stored in `logs/` to see the progress of what is happening: ``` 2022-10-16 12:16:30,702 - root - INFO - REGULATOR starting: MAX_RATIO=25.0, THRESHOLD=500 2022-10-16 12:16:30,706 - root - INFO - Loaded 1960 observations 2022-10-16 12:16:30,706 - root - INFO - Building table of all pairwise distances... 2022-10-16 12:16:34,594 - root - INFO - Table building complete 2022-10-16 12:16:34,594 - root - INFO - k=2 2022-10-16 12:16:36,733 - root - INFO - k=3 2022-10-16 12:16:38,761 - root - INFO - k=4 2022-10-16 12:16:41,900 - root - INFO - k=5 ``` The memoization table being built is a table of pairwise [Levenshtein distances](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levenshtein_distance) between all 1960 observations. This common string metric is used to define the concept of a "Levenshtein closure" -- this is what is meant by a "closure" in `closure_to_regex`: a set of hostnames bounded by some fixed Levenshtein distance. Once the memoization has completed, we can see more output from the tool: ``` 2022-10-16 12:17:34,865 - root - INFO - Prefix=armmf 2022-10-16 12:17:34,866 - root - INFO - Prefix=armmfsso 2022-10-16 12:17:34,867 - root - INFO - Prefix=artifactory 2022-10-16 12:17:34,889 - root - INFO - Prefix=asa 2022-10-16 12:17:34,931 - root - ERROR - Rule cannot be processed: (asa)(-noida|-paris|-sjspa|-lehi|-orem|-test|-tokyo|-sngeqx)((-[1-4])|(-ext|-c))(2|-ext|-c)?([1-2])?.adobe.com ``` We use a prefix tree [also known as a Trie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trie) to compute common prefixes for hostnames, these are used to help formulate the rules we eventually create. The error produced is expected, this is simply what is generated when a particular rule fails the ratio test mentioned above. Note that there are multiple attempts to transform a given closure into a rule, so just because this particular attempt failed does not mean the data won't be used. Once the script has finished, we can see the rules that got generated: ``` $ wc -l adobe.rules 6215 adobe.rules ``` ``` $ head adobe.rules (genuine|muse|indd|dev|guided|udps|geo|edex|kuler|voice|line|gd|lime|gcoe|view|ideas).adobe.com (flashlitedemo).adobe.com (awc).adobe.com (learning|learnearnwin|learn)(-origin)?(-du|-da)?(1)?(.wip(4)?)?.adobe.com (research|access|rome|resources|resellers|readerscert|remotetraffic|remoteaccess|readiness)(-test|1)?.adobe.com (res)(4)(.service)(.tele(2))(.se)(.cname)(.campaign).adobe.com (messenger).adobe.com (press|express).adobe.com (av)(-beta|-sjc)(0)?.adobe.com (www)(.stock).adobe.com ``` Some of these might seem silly (and maybe they are?), but we will examine the results shortly and see how they fared. ## Generating a brute-force list Now that we have the rules, we need to generate our brute-force list, we simply run the included `make_brute_list.sh` script: ``` $ ./make_brute_list.sh adobe.rules adobe.brute ``` ``` $ wc -l adobe.brute 124821 adobe.brute ``` ``` $ head adobe.brute 19-da-tryit.adobe.com 19-da-tryit1.adobe.com 19-da-tryit2.adobe.com 19-da-vip.adobe.com 19-da-vip1.adobe.com 19-da-vip2.adobe.com 19-da1.adobe.com 19-da11.adobe.com 19-da12.adobe.com 19-origin-tryit.adobe.com ``` ## Evaluation against `altdns` I think the `altdns` tool (https://github.com/infosec-au/altdns) makes for an apt comparison. Both tools have a similar purpose: given some input DNS names both produce mutated names as output for use in a DNS brute-force. Here is how I generated the `altdns` list (where `adobe` is the same output from `amass` used above): ``` $ python3 altdns/altdns -i f500/adobe -o adobe_altdns -w altdns/words.txt ``` ``` $ wc -l adobe_altdns 3619334 ``` Here's is the non-scientific methodology I used for comparison: 1. Use a DigitalOcean VPS 2. Use the `dnsvalidator` (https://github.com/vortexau/dnsvalidator) tool to collect valid public DNS resolvers 3. Use the `puredns` (https://github.com/d3mondev/puredns) tool with the public resolvers from [2] for DNS resolution 4. Deduplicate results against what we had originally from `amass` 5. Re-collect resolvers and wait 30 mins between runs ## Results Here are the results I obtained: - For `124,821` guesses, regulator captured `1242` new hostnames - For `3,619,334` guesses, `altdns` captured `362` I'm not going to try to interpret the results too much, but I think it's fair to say that regulator "won" this round in absolute numbers. # Conclusion I've attached some more trials I collected between regulator, `altdns` and `dnsgen` (https://github.com/ProjectAnte/dnsgen). Regulator does seem to be fairly "efficient" depending on how you want to count, but it still loses in general to `dnsgen` (I also used the `--fast` flag for `dnsgen`). Overall, I'm happy with the results of this project, I got to learn some cool stuff and hopefully inspire others to take up using `dank`. - https://github.com/cramppet/dank - https://github.com/cramppet/regulator